[00:00:00.00] Text: How to pack your L.L. Bean "Stowaway" jacket.
[00:00:00.20] How to pack your jacket into its stow pocket.
[00:00:02.72] 7 different L.L. Bean-branded pouches in different sizes and colors sit side by side.
[00:00:03.14] Our stowaway puffers, rainwear, and windbreakers can go from this to this in a zip.
[00:00:08.76] Full-sized jackets transform to stuffed pouches at the snap of the fingers of a hand.
[00:00:08.85] Just stow, zip, and go. Here's
[00:00:11.11] A pair of hands unzip the front zipper of a blue puffer jacket with an red-orange lining as it lays on its back.
[00:00:11.33] how.
[00:00:11.80] Step one, find the stowaway pocket. A stowaway pocket has double zipper pulls, one inside and one outside.
[00:00:18.73] The hands reach for the inside of the collar and open a horizontal black zipper at the intersection of the blue shell and the red-orange lining.
[00:00:18.90] Look for the pocket with double zipper pulls. And remember, be sure your jacket is fully dry before stowing.
[00:00:24.81] Step
[00:00:24.85] They extend the pocket and stuff the body of the jacket into it.
[00:00:25.22] two, hold the pocket open. Then use your fingers to push the jacket inside of the pocket bag. Be sure to stuff your jacket completely inside the pocket. Fill every corner.
[00:00:34.80] They compress the jacket into the pocket.
[00:00:35.10] Step three, zip the pocket shut. Before
[00:00:37.45] The exterior of the pocket has the same blue fabric as the exterior shell of the jacket.
[00:00:37.79] you zip, be sure the fabric is away from the zipper teeth.
[00:00:40.53] They close the zipper using the opposite pull, which is now the only one accessible.
[00:00:40.71] And that's it.
[00:00:41.44] Now it's easy to carry, easy to pack, easy to access if the weather changes. Pack it in a pack, toss it in a tote, pop it in a duffel bag, and save space in the camping kit. It
[00:00:50.82] They place the compact pouch in different locations. Finally we focus on a small avocado green daypack, into which the small pouch disappears effortlessly.
[00:00:51.05] also makes a great mini pillow at the campsite or on the plane.
[00:00:54.16] The fingers of the hands dangle the blue pouch by a black corner loop.
[00:00:54.36] Many pouch pockets also have a loop, so you can hang it in a locker, mudroom hook, or on a pack with a carabiner. And remember, for best care and longevity, be sure to hang your jacket in between adventures and during the offseason.
[00:01:06.82] They pull the jacket out of the pouch once again, expand it onto a flat surface, and zip the front zipper fully.
[00:01:06.93] And to stay up to date on all of our how-to videos, make sure you like this video and subscribe. And for more outdoor tips and inspiration, visit llbean.com/explore.