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3 Types of Campfires: How and When to Build Them

Learn how to build the long-lasting Log Cabin Fire, the cooking-friendly Upside-Down Fire, and the wind-resistant Lean-To Fire.

5 Min. Watch | Camping

Before You Begin

Check restrictions and regulations.

Even campgrounds with designated fire rings can sometimes have restrictions in particularly dry weather. Regulations will also let you know if – and where – you’re allowed to buy or collect your firewood.

Clean and clear your fire ring

Make sure your fire ring is clean, clear and nowhere near any brush, trees, or camping equipment.

Keep a bucket of water nearby

Make sure your fire ring is clean, clear and nowhere near any brush, trees, or camping equipment.

What You'll Need: Campfire Materials


The starting point for your fire – small, dry material that lights easily and burns hot. It could be small natural materials, like twigs, dry leaves and pine needles; or something you bring from home, like newspaper, dryer lint, commercial fire starters or cotton balls dipped in petroleum jelly.


Consisting of small sticks and pieces of wood less than an inch around, kindling will burn longer than tinder, but still catch relatively easily. The tinder will light the kindling, and the kindling will then light the bigger logs.

Fuel wood

Larger pieces of that will burn for a long time, providing your fire with a lot of energy once they’re aflame.

How to Build a Log Cabin Fire

GREAT FOR: A Long-Lasting, Low Maintenance Fire

The Log Cabin Fire is easy to build, burns for a long time, and doesn’t need much TLC to keep going strong.

1. Start by placing a small pile of tinder in the center of your fire pit.

2. Then, place fuel logs on either side of your tinder.

3. Place two more logs, crosswise, to create a square.

4. Add a couple more layers, using smaller pieces of wood and kindling - it will look like a log cabin.

5. Finally, create a cone of small kindling over your tinder, and use some of your thinnest pieces of tinder to make a “roof.” Leave lots of space – the fire needs oxygen to burn.

6. Light your tinder. You may need to blow lightly on the flame to feed it oxygen and get it burning hot.

7. The flames should set the kindling cone and roof ablaze, giving your fire a hot core. Add kindling as needed to keep it burning bright, working your way up to pieces of fuel wood.

How to Build an Upside-Down (Pyramid) Fire

GREAT FOR: Cooking

The Upside-Down Fire gets its name from the fact that you start it from the top, not the bottom. It burns down instead of up, creating a really hot core and a relatively flat surface – great for even cooking.

1. Start by laying three or four of your biggest fuel logs tightly together in the middle of the fire ring.

2. Add a small amount of tinder to fill the gaps between the logs.

3. Next, build a second layer of fuel logs perpendicular to the first, using slightly smaller logs.

4. Again, add some tinder to the gaps.

5. Add another layer of fuel logs, perpendicular again. You could keep going for a longer-burning fire, but three layers should give you plenty of fuel and provide you with a large enough platform to cook on.

6. Add a small pile of tinder and kindling to the top layer. All together it’ll look kind of like a pyramid.

7. Light your tinder. Light your tinder. You may need to blow lightly on the flame to feed it oxygen and get it burning hot. The tinder will light the kindling, and the kindling will then get hot enough to burn down into your fuel logs.

8. Add fuel as needed. A great thing about the upside-down fire is that your fuel logs are already placed –- the fire will burn for a long time before you need to add any fuel. If you want to keep the fire going after the core has burned down in the middle, simply add logs directly to the center of the fire.

How to Build a Lean-To Fire

GREAT FOR: Windy Conditions

The Lean-To Fire looks a little like a Log Cabin or Upside-Down Fire on its side. Leaning the tinder and kindling on a larger fuel log creates a wind-break, so you can get your fire burning before a breeze has a chance to blow it out. It’s also really simple and fast to build.

1. Start by laying your biggest fuel log in the fire ring. This is your wind break, so you’ll be building your fire on the leeward – away from the wind – side.

2. On the sheltered side of the log, lay a pile of tinder. This should be easy to reach with a match, since it’s where your fire will start.

3. Lean pieces of kindling against the log, over the tinder, so that they’ll be in the flames when the tinder is lit. You can also lean some larger pieces of wood on top of those, just make sure you don’t collapse your lean-to or block airflow to the tinder. It’ll look like a lean-to, or a triangle.

4. Once this lean-to structure is built, light the tinder. The flames will light the kindling, which will then light the larger pieces of wood.

5. As the fire gets bigger and hotter, continue feeding it larger pieces of wood, leaning them on the fuel log so that air can still flow through. Eventually you’ll work your way up to a hot core and large pieces of fuel wood that will burn for a long time.

Extinguishing Your Fire


Allow your fire to burn down to the ashes, or douse it with water – being careful not to flood the fire ring.


Don’t leave your fire until the ashes are cool to the touch. If the ashes are still warm, that means there are still embers inside which could reignite.


Whenever you make a fire, keep an eye on it the entire time it’s active. It doesn’t take long for fire to spread – better safe than sorry.

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